Rajiv Ramachandran, Practice Director, Enterprise Integration / Solution Architect
Having an integration infrastructure that connects all enterprise systems to one another and provides seamless and secure access to customers, partners, and employees is the foundation of a successful enterprise. I have been involved with a lot of customers discussing their EAI architectures. More often than not, I have noticed that the approaches considered to implement such an architecture are not complete and do not provide the benefits that may be achieved with a well connected enterprise. In this blog entry, I would like to highlight aspects that need to be considered to build an end-to-end integration solution. (Note: This blog entry will not get into the details on how to implement each of these areas, which would result in me writing a book J.)
- Connectivity – Avoiding point-to-point connectivity and ensuring that you have loosely coupled systems is key to ensuring that your EAI architecture is flexible and can scale.Use an ESB as the heart of you EAI architecture and ensure that your ESB has support for all major protocols (HTTP, SOAP, JMS, JCA, JDBC, FTP, etc.) and comes with adapters for common enterprise applications like SAP, Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, etc.
- Patterns - Build a pattern based integration solution. The following is an excellent paper that outlines some of the common patterns used in the integration space:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-enterpriseconnectivitypatterns/index.html
- Data - Data is of great significance when it comes to integration. Different systems have different data formats and there are common items to consider that can help you deal with these differences:
- Define canonical data formats and ensure that you have mapping from application specific formats to canonical formats. Understand the various data formats that exist in your enterprise today and evaluate what it will take to map and manage complex data formats.
- EDI data is common in many enterprises and will require special handling.
- Define a strategy for handling reference data, how lookups can be done against this data and how reference data can be maintained.
- Define rules around both syntactic and semantic validation of messages. Do not over do validation as you will pay a price when it comes to performance. Be judicious in what you want to validate and where.
- Monitoring - An aspect that is often overlooked when building integration solutions is monitoring. Ensure that you have the right framework(s) in place to monitor your integrations and service components. You will need the ability to monitor every protocol the ESB supports. You also need to couple monitoring with notifications and error handling. You will need a strategy for auditing your messages. Again, as in the case with validations, be judicious in what you want to audit and when. There is a price to pay. Define a centralized service for auditing requirements and ensure that all integration components make use of this service.
- Security - Security is the most critical part of implementing an integration solution. I have to say that most customers realize that security is important but sometimes, because of a lack of expertise in how to correctly secure their solution, the end result is a solution that is way more costly and in fact less secure than desired. Some considerations are:
- Define your security requirements – authentication, authorization, encryption, non-repudiation, etc.
- Decide what aspect(s) can be supported by transport level security and when you need message level security.
- Decide where hardware components can be used to better implement security than software components.
- Use open standard protocols so that you can easily integrate with different systems – both internal and external.
- Service Oriented Integration – With the adoption of SOA, one of the key architectural models used for integration is to connect to service interfaces that are exposed by various systems. With this architecture, it is also now possible to choose what service / functionality you use dynamically at runtime. Another aspect that SOA has brought to the integration world is a policy-driven approach to integration – that is, data that is being passed to a system or between systems is used to check what policy needs to be applied at runtime to determine what service to use and what actions to perform (auditing, validation, encryption etc.). Integration coupled with SOA introduces another component into the EAI architecture – a registry and repository where services and policies are cataloged and can be used to bring about dynamic, policy-driven behavior.
This confluence of pattern based connectivity, data handling, monitoring, security, and service-oriented integration can provide you with a well-connected enterprise that can respond quickly to changing business needs.
Rajiv Ramachandran first joined Prolifics as a Consultant, and is currently the Practice Director for Enterprise Integration. He has 11 years experience in the IT field — 3 of those years at IBM working as a developer at its Object Technology Group and its Component Technology Competency Center in Bangalore. He was then an Architect implementing IBM WebSphere Solutions at Fireman’s Fund Insurance. Currently, he specializes in SOA and IBM’s SOA-related technologies and products. An author at the IBM developerWorks community, Rajiv has been a presenter at IMPACT and IBM's WebSphere Services Technical Conference.
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