Thursday, May 26, 2011

Leveraging your Panther Assets with Web Services

Software applications have become a valuable component of modern enterprises. They contain critical business knowledge, and represent significant design and development effort. It only makes sense to extract as much value from these applications as possible. As enterprises grow and merge, the need to share the information in these applications becomes imperative. This applies to your Panther applications we well. For example, order entry systems need to talk to billing systems, shipping systems, and so on.

While there are many methods for accessing your Panther applications, Web Services provides a common method, across diverse platforms, products, and computer languages, in a well-defined manner. As long as each application implements the Web Services standards, applications can freely interoperate with each other. This bi-directional communication is independent of the technology that the target application was written in.

Your Panther applications can participate in this inter-application communication by implementing Web Services, multiplying the value within them. In this way, systems throughout your enterprise, or beyond, can benefit from the existing code and data within your Panther applications.

You can also utilize your Panther tools and skills to create new RAPID Database Transactional Web Services for just about any application. This is totally independent from your existing Panther applications and utilizes the same rapid development platform.

For a complimentary Discovery Call, please call your Business Development Manager at 1 (800) 458-3313 ext 2 or email

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