Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Using HTDS with Java XOM in IBM Operational Decision Manager 8

Until version 7.1, IBM ILOG-JRules had Hosted Transparent Decision Service (HTDS) working only when you had dynamic Execution Object Model (XML XOM). However, in IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) 8, IBM enables you to still use the HTDS when have static XOM (java XOM).

Though this is good for the projects where XOM was defined in Java and Rules needs to be exposed as Web-Service, in ODM 8 we don’t have to write custom web-service code for exposing Rules as Web-Service if you have Java XOM. This saves a significant amount of time, however, there are still some changes you can make if you have Java XOM to make it work with HTDS in ODM 8 seamlessly.

When you deploy your Rules and Java XOM in RES internally, your Java XOM gets converted to XML format and then it gets exposed through the WSDL to call your Rules as Web-Service.

The caveat here is when the conversion from Java XOM to XML format happens inside RES for HTDS you need to tell the engine how XML will get generated. For example if you have List and Date in your XOM you need to generate XML elements accordingly and change the date format from Java util date to XML date.

As we know there isn't a unique correct mapping between Java Object structures and XML documents. We will need to use Java XML binding implementations to provide ways to fine tune the mapping.

For converting your Java XOM seamlessly into HTDS and working with Web-Service (Request/Response) you will have to use JAXB annotations to tell the engine the specific format you want your XML to be generated.

Below is the code how you should be annotating your List in Java XOM.

Let’s say you have your Java code for List defined below:

List yourObjectList = new ArrayList();

In the getter method you need to have your annotations defined like below.

Note: You can give any string for your name (name = "YourObjects") in the annotation but whatever you define here will be part of your generated XML element in your Request/Response, so choose name as per your requirement. Some like it with List at the end while others prefer something Plural, like YourObjects.

When you are dealing with the Date in Java XOM in HTDS you need to have XmlAdapter class extended and then write your own class like below:

Then, wherever you get methods for your date, you should annotate that as indicated below:

This will make sure the conversion from Java-XOM to XML format happening seamlessly.

Alok Keshri, a Technology Manager for Prolifics focusing mainly on ILOG-JRules and ODM space, has over twelve years experience in IT industry spanning across various industry, He is experienced and resourceful enterprise software Tech Lead/Architect and has worked with J2EE/ SOA/BRMS/ BPM technology. He is specialized in Object Oriented Analysis, Design, Development, and Estimation of project with heterogeneous Web technologies in complex business systems based on variety of platforms, he has extensive experience in IBM middleware products such as WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere ILog-JRules, WebSphere Message Broker and other products in the IBM BPM stack. He is certified in WebSphere ILog-JRules and Filenet, Alok received his BE in Electrical Engineering in year 2000.

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